A chemical peel involves the application of active acid chemical solutions to the skin in a controlled manner, producing controlled tissue death.This allows new layers to be exposed, creating a fresh appearance and smoother texture to the skin surface. A chemical peel can improve sun damage, acne scarring, blotchy pigmentation, fine wrinkling and early pre-cancerous skin lesions. A peel can also improve acne-prone skin and clogged pores. Chemical peels are broadly defined by the depth of damage in the skin that they produce.
Chemical peels have 3 types of resurfacing: superficial, medium, and deep.
Superficial peels are the mildest type of chemical peel and can be used on all skin types. Superficial peels usually use liquid containing a mild (dilute) acid, most often Glycolic Acid and Salicylic Acid, and more gentle ones are based with simple fruit enzymes. Can be applied to the face, neck, and body. Dry ice (solid carbon dioxide) is sometimes used.
Medium peels penetrate the skin more deeply than superficial peels and cause a second-degree burn of the skin. Trichloroacetic acid (TCA) is the main peeling agent used for medium peels, though the peel may also be done in several steps using a different chemical solution followed by TCA.
Deep peels penetrate several layers of skin and cause a second-degree burn of the skin. They are used only on the face. Deep peels may not be used on darker skin types, because they tend to bleach the skin, causing hypopigmentation. Even in lighter-skinned people, deep resurfacing may bleach the skin. A deep peel can be done only once in most cases.
Before treatment we recommend to do a consultation with doctor at our clinic.
Chemical Peels are tailored per patient. In our clinic we use over 10 types of chemical peels: glycolic, salicylic, ТСА, lactic acid peel, aha peel, trichloroacetic, fruit acid, alpha hydroxy and retinol peel. All medical peels are 100% orginial and certified in EU
Face | 2 000 Kč |
Neck and neckline | 3 000 Kč |
Face, neck and décolleté | 4 000 Kč |
In general, patients only feel a mild stinging sensation during light or medium chemical peels. After the procedure, the physician may prescribe a mild pain reliever to relieve any discomfort.
4 200 KČ 4 600 KČ
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Medical & Aesthetic Clinic
Professional aesthetic services, experienced doctors, pleasant environment, superior equipment.
We work in the field of beauty since 2004.