Droopy upper eyelids are just one of those signs and can have a significant impact on the way you look. Blepharoplasty is a surgical procedure in which the eyelid skin, orbicularis oculi muscle, and orbital fat are excised, redraped, or sculpted to rejuvenate the esthetic look of the patient along with correction of any functional abnormality.
Upper eyelid surgery, also called upper eyelid lift surgery or blepharoplasty, is a procedure to correct the puffiness, sagging and drooping of the upper eyelid skin. It is often performed to improve the appearance of your upper eyelids to give you a more youthful and refreshed look.
In upper eyelid blepharoplasty, a fine incision is made in the pre-existing crease above each eye. A crescent of excess skin is then removed, as well as all fat (puffiness) that is present. The incisions are then closed with fine stitches, which are removed in one week.
Upper lids of the eyes
Před ošetřením doporučujeme absolvovat konzultaci s lékařem na naší klinice.
Operace horních víček je vyhledávaným zákrokem nejen z důvodů estetických. Plastiku horních víček často doporučují oční lékaři při zhoršení zraku vlivem kožní řasy zasahující do zorného pole. Na naší klinice doporučujeme nejprve se objednat na konzultační schůzku, kde se setkáte s naším lékařem, odborníkem přes oftalmologické zákroky s patnáctiletou praxí.
Consultation (deducted from the price of 1.treatment) | 1 000 Kč |
Upper Blepharoplasty | 15 000 Kč |
Lower Blepharoplasty | 17 000 Kč |
Anyone who has hooding or excess skin, uneven upper eyelid crease, protruding fat or droopy upper eyelids is a good candidate for upper eyelid surgery. These unappealing features can make you appear tired, sleepy and worn out.
4 200 KČ 4 600 KČ
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