Hyperhidrosis is the medical term for excessive sweating. Hyperhidrosis is a condition affecting millions of people around the world. Hyperhidrosis can affect various parts of the body including the face, hands, feet or underarms. Excessive sweating can even occur when temperatures are cooler or at rest.
Normally, the body produces sweat to regulate body temperature. Sometimes, the nerves that control the sweat glands become overactive and excess sweat is produced. It is estimated that 2 - 3% of the population suffers from hyperhidrosis, with less than 40% of those affected seeking medical advice.
Hyperhidrosis may significantly affect the social and psychological wellbeing of an individual. It may cause physical discomfort, social embarrassment, affect occupational and daily activities, and at times may also cause social isolation.
Botox® is an injectable treatment that helps manage the symptoms of excessive sweating. It works by blocking the nerves that supply the apocrine glands (sweat glands) in the armpits thus preventing them from producing sweat. The body areas that can commonly experience over active sweat glands are: the under arms, palms, feet and forehead.
Before treatment we recommend to do a consultation with doctor at our clinic.
Aplikace roztoku BTXu do míst se zvýšeným nebo nepříjemným pocením je aktuálně nejefektivnější řešení odstranění nežádoucího pocení.
Consultation (deducted from price of I. treatment) | 500 Kč |
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) - Underarm area | 10 500 Kč |
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) - hands palms | 11 500 Kč |
Hyperhidrosis (Excessive Sweating) - Feet | 12 500 Kč |
Hyperhidrosis is a condition that is characterised by sweating or perspiration in excess of the normal needs of the body. It is classified as either primary or secondary hyperhidrosis. Primary hyperhidrosis is not due to any particular underlying reason, and can result in excessive sweating in the palms, feet, underarms, face and scalp. There is usually an associated family history. Sweating usually affects both sides, and is less at night than during the day. Secondary hyperhidrosis is a result of an underlying medical condition such as infection, endocrine disorders, metabolic disorders, neoplastic diseases, neurological conditions, spinal cord injuries, cardiovascular disorders, respiratory disorders, anxiety and stress. The treatment of secondary hyperhidrosis will require treatment of the underlying problem or cause.
4 200 KČ 4 600 KČ
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