Lipomassage by Endermologie, also known as LPG, is the world-leader in body-shaping equipment and techniques to help you achieve and enjoy an anti-aging lifstyle. Endermologie was pioneered by LPG Systems in France in the 1990s. Since its introduction to the USA, Endermologie has become the world's first patented technology to be approved by the American Food and Drugs Administration (FDA), who agree that it temporarily reduces the circumferential body measurements in cellulite treated areas. 100% Natural and painless, it provides visible results instantly with 0 side effects. 300,000 of men and women are treated with this innovative technology daily. LIPOMASSAGE is a 100% natural slimming technique.
It is a patented, proprietary technique of cellular stimulation through mechanical massage. It is 100% effective and targets the connective tissues of the body and face, including skin, muscle, blood and lymphatic circulation. During each endermologie session, a series of different steps are followed to aid the release of fat around the stomach, legs, hips and love handles. If loose skin and a sagging shape are also concerns, additional techniques can be used to refresh the skin.
Before treatment we recommend to do a consultation with doctor at our clinic.
Slimming cellular stimulation Lipomassage LPG is scientifically proven technique to permanently eliminate cellulite and stubborn fat that is resistant to physical exercise and dieting. It is a 100% natural slimming technique, therefore 300,000 people choose this technology every day. Promotes the growth of new collagen and elastin, giving clients a more youthful appearance. On average 12-19 sessions are required depending on the volume of the fat deposit.
1 trial treatment LPG Lipomassage - 10 min | FREE |
1 treatment LPG Lipomassage - 40 min | 1 350 Kč |
7 LPG Lipomassage maintenance | 7 700 Kč |
10+2 LPG Lipomassage + elastic costume in value of 1000Kč | 13 500 Kč |
10+2 LPG Lipomassage + elastic costume in value of 1000Kč | 21 600 Kč |
If you buy separate treatments, you will need individual Elastic body (costume) Endermowear. Price is | 1 000 Kč |
4 200 KČ 4 600 KČ
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Medical & Aesthetic Clinic
Professional aesthetic services, experienced doctors, pleasant environment, superior equipment.
We work in the field of beauty since 2004.