How to improve the result after a hair transplant?
Plasma therapy is used in the treatment of hair loss and also helps in hair transplantation. It uses its own plasma. It is often the only method for patients with very sensitive skin and allergies who need to support hair growth. The procedure can sometimes be slightly painful, but it is highly effective.
What is a hair transplantation?
Hair transplantation is an aesthetic procedure performed by a specialist. It consists in moving your own hair grafts from places on the head where the hair is of a high quality and thick, mostly from the top of the head to places where the hair is thinner or bald is formed. Then, from the grafts taken, hair implantation is carried out to the necessary places. The procedure takes place under local anesthesia, when an anesthetic cream is applied.
What is hair plasma therapy and how it will help after hair transplantation?
Vlasová plazmaterapie je jednou z nejpřirozenějších ošetření pro růst vlasů. Vlastní krevní plazma obohacená krevními destičkami pomůže růst vlasů obnovit. Je to výborný stimulátor růstu kožních buněk a velká podpora aktivity buněk v místě aplikace. Přirozeně dodá vlasové pokožce potřebné živiny pro růst nových vlasů. Při zákroku se odebere pacientovi menší množství krve, ve speciálním přístroji se z ní oddělí plazma a ta se pak aplikuje na vlasovou pokožku a do podkoží.
How to prepare for plasma therapy and hair transplantation?
Before hair transplantation and plasma therapy, it is not recommended to drink alcohol, tea and coffee for 3 days, take blood-diluting drugs and you should enjoy a good night's sleep. It is not recommended to eat semi-finished products, salty, fried and fatty dishes. Drink more fluids during these days. About 5 hours before the procedure of hair implantation and hair plasma therapy, it is recommended not to eat. Wash your hair with shampoo before surgery and do not use any hair products for at least 3 days before plasma therapy.